Formed by Wake Forest University students in January 1998, Living Parables is a Christian drama troupe that continues to be student lead and directed. Each semester we write, rehearse, and perform all-original pieces that depict the power of God’s love through a specific theme (past themes have included transformation, healing, and giving). We serve as a ministry to local church congregations, community organizations, and on-campus ministries. Above all, our desire is to use our acting talents to serve our Lord and show others His love for them.
- God is love
- All people are born into sin and have separated themselves from God. It is only through His grace that we are reconciled to Him.
- Because of God’s love for us, He took on human form and sacrificed Himself as Jesus Christ on the cross. He was buried and rose from the dead on the third day and ascended into heaven.
- If we believe in Christ Jesus and realize that only through Him can we receive eternal life, peace, and joy, we will enter into a relationship with Him that, through none of our own doing, delivers just that.
- The Bible is divinely inspired and has relevance to our lives today.