Josh Debenedetto
Joshua DeBenedetto is a Mathematical Business major from Stow, Massachusetts. He is a senior this year, and is in the process of applying to graduate school for Mathematics. Josh doesn't sleep due to his love of life - he feels like sleeping just causes you to lose time that can be spent doing other things. He is one of the rare people that look happier with the less sleep he gets. Also, Josh is Spartacus.
Brittni Shambaugh
artistic director
Brittni is a junior Theatre major from the wonderful two stoplight town of Sneads Ferry, North Carolina. This past semester she achieved her lifelong dream of dancing in the rain in Ireland, and it was just as glorious as she had expected. Having just returned from a stellar semester abroad, Brittni couldn’t be more excited to be serving as LP Artistic Director this year. She is also a proud member of the Anthony Aston Players and Young Americans for Liberty.
Carley Rudiger
social director
Carley Rudiger hails from Forsyth County, Georgia, where she lives with her parents, two sisters, and beautiful puppy dog. Carley is a junior, and after 2 years, she still loves college. Carley is a Psychology major and she has no idea what she wants to do when she grows up. She is also addicted to the TV show Arrested Development and is considers it her personal duty to carry on the tradition of trying to indoctrinate the entire troupe to feel the same way. "Taste the happy!"
Marcus Keely
coordinating director
Marcus is a junior English major who hails from a small hamlet in Western North Carolina known by some as Brasstown. Though a student by day, Marcus enjoys long walks on the beach, enjoying a good book by the fireplace, and drinking warm tea at night. He secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) wishes he had a snooty cat with a diamond collar that could curl up on his lap during the middle of a scary nighttime thunderstorm.